Massage therapy is one of the most effective ways to boost your immune system and improve your mental health. It is a holistic modality that can help you relax, reduce aches and pains, and improve your overall health. Massaging muscles can stimulate blood flow, which helps carry more oxygen and nutrients to cells. When you regularly massage sore areas of your body, it will help prevent injuries from building up over time due to stress on those same muscles. This can also help alleviate headaches or migraines that are caused by muscle tension in the neck or shoulders.
One study found that people who had a massage once a week for four weeks reported improved sleep quality and mood compared with participants who did not receive massages during the study period. And if you’re feeling sluggish or need an energy boost, getting regular touch therapy can be just what you need!
How Touch Therapy Boosts the Immune System
Stress can have a significant impact on your immune system. By increasing the activity of white blood cells in the body, it enhances a significant boost in the immune system. According to the Health Science Journal, women with breast cancer react better to treatment when they practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, and massage therapy.
Touch Therapy has also been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders by reducing cortisol levels and increasing serotonin levels. The physical contact involved in massage releases endorphins which promote feelings of wellness and happiness. It can even help you sleep better at night by reducing stress levels that are known to prevent restful nights.
Impact of Touch Therapy on Mental Health
In today’s world, it is becoming more and more common to have mental health issues. Fortunately, there are ways that you can help boost your mental health through massage therapy. A person with depression can also suffer from some kind of physical pain and possibly become disabled. Routine massages can ease anxiety levels and are extremely effective in treating both the mental and physical aspects of depression.
Massaging muscles stimulates blood flow which helps carry more oxygen and nutrients to cells. This stimulation has also been shown to reduce cortisol levels after just one session! Endorphins are released during a massage, which produces feelings of wellness and happiness that last for days after each session. It’s no wonder many people who suffer from high stress or anxiety benefit greatly from massage therapy. So if you find yourself feeling run-down or you’re having trouble sleeping, schedule a massage today!
Other Benefits of Touch Therapy
1. Reduces Physical Pain & Stiffness
Regular massage reduces neck pain & shoulder tension, improves range of motion in joints, decreases muscle spasms, alleviates carpal tunnel syndrome, and relieves headaches and migraines. It is a safe and effective way to reduce physical pain and stiffness and is beneficial for people of all ages, with or without medical conditions. While it’s not necessary to see your doctor first, but you may want some more information on massage before starting it.
Massage can also help some people who suffer from chronic pain like arthritis by reducing the amount of stress in their muscles, which lessens the aches they feel in their joints. It doesn’t just get rid of physical pain; massages are also an excellent way for people to relax after a long day at work or school so that they can unwind.
2. Eases Digestive Discomfort and Menstrual Cramps
Touch therapy is an alternative treatment that can help to ease digestive discomfort and menstrual cramps. The practice of touch therapy involves stroking, kneading, or pressing various parts of the body with your hands. This type of massage may be beneficial for people who suffer from Crohn’s Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It also helps alleviate symptoms related to menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats.
3. Relieves Symptoms of Menopause and Pregnancy
Menopause and pregnancy are two conditions that can cause significant discomforts, but touch therapy can reduce the symptoms that come along. It does this by calming your body’s stress response, which means you will feel less stressed, more relaxed, and even happier. Massage also reduces blood pressure, muscle tension, mood swings, and fatigue, and enhances overall well-being.
So if you’re experiencing any of these uncomfortable side effects from either condition or just want to take some time out for yourself, touch therapy might be right for you!
How often should you get a massage?
The frequency of your massages depends largely on how much stress or tension you are under. You can schedule them as frequently as once per week, but even getting one every other week is ideal for most people. In addition to scheduling regular appointments with your massage therapist, there are some simple things you can do on your own to help relieve stress and tension in between sessions.
Here are some tips that can help you get the most out of massage therapy:
- Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after each session. This will reduce muscle soreness by keeping muscles hydrated throughout the session.
- Warm up with light exercises prior to getting a massage. Doing so can actually help your body better process the stress of touch therapy because it’s already warmed up. You could also take a warm shower before scheduling your appointment, or drink a hot cup of tea or coffee before meeting with your massage therapist.
- Wear loose and comfortable clothing to your appointment so you can relax and enjoy it in comfort. Don’t wear anything too restrictive, in case they need to access certain parts of your body during the session or whatever area is bothering you the most.
- Don’t eat a big meal before getting a massage either, because it will just make you feel bloated and uncomfortable during the session. Wait at least an hour or two after your last meal before scheduling a massage, so that you can relax without stomach pains or discomfort.
- Be sure to discuss any allergies, areas of pain, stress relief goals, and other concerns with your massage therapist. Let them know if there is a specific area that is painful or sensitive so they can work around it and not hurt you during your massage!
Build Your Immune System and Mental Health With Touch Therapy Today!
Our bodies and brains are intricately connected. Massage therapy is a great way to help improve your health by building up your immune system and improving mental wellness. If you’re looking to find relief from chronic pain or anxiety, call us today on (07) 5641 1212 and book an appointment with one of our experienced touch therapists for professional massage therapy.